Friday 14 December 2012

problems with photos..


During taking my photos i had some slight problems with getting my pictures to look right for the genre. I had the idea that i should create a disco like background so that it is appropriate for my chosen genre. I used some artificial lights to create a bright florescent background and microphones. Some problems that i has with doing this was i could not get the light in the background right. For example it was either to bright or dark. Also in some of the pictures beka blinked and was not ready for the picture, this is still good to include so that you can see the mistakes that i make.

Draft front cover 2

Draft cover 2
I prefer this draft cover more because the colour scheme is brighter and better and the overall layout looks neat and better.

Draft front cover idea 1

Draft 1

This is my first draft idea of what my front cover may look like, i have tried out some artists and a basic colour scheme and layout that was liked in my questionairre.