Monday 4 March 2013




overall for my magazine I rate my performance as being successful as I have chosen a target audience with an appropriate size audience and a good age range between the youngest and oldest. I have drawn in a large crowd from making my product because I have made a magazine that fits their needs. I have used the appropriate technologies to the right standard and created a product that will sell when it needs to.

Evaluation Question 7-Preliminary and coursework

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?



Preliminary task                                                                Coursework


Photography skills are weak                                        In the coursework my picture is

In the preliminary task as the                                       much improved and the photo

Picture is from a bad angle                                          is from the perfect angle.

And is not very clear.


Layout of the preliminary task                                   In the coursework the layout is

Is very immature and has a                                      much improved and looks better.

Scruffy look to it. Also the                                         The colours also look more

Styles used and colours                                           mature because black and white

Don’t match.                                                             Are used.


The content of the preliminary                                 the content is much more

Task is much less detailed than                              complex and better and much has

My coursework as I have learnt                               been learnt which is clear.

That more is needed to a better



The technology’s that have been                            The different technologies have

Used have not been used well                               been used better like Photoshop

E.g- Photoshop                                                       as better effects have been used.

Evaluation Question 6-Technologies

Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of making my magazine I learnt lots of different skills which can be used in media. One particular skill that I learnt was how to take good pictures and how to get the photography right for my magazine. You need to learn how to choose the right lighting and the appropriate style for the genre music or type of picture you are taking. The picture angle is also essential so that you capsure the right look for the use of the picture taken. The model in the picture needs to look natural and not look like there positioning or facial expression is fake as they will be shown in the media and need to look professional.

In the making of my magazine I also learnt how to use 2 different software’s for editing and helping create each part. For my magazine front cover and contents page I used Photoshop and for the double page spread I used In-Design. For Photoshop I learnt how to use different text layouts and how to edit my picture so that it is perfect. I also learnt how to use everything on there so that I could include good content in my magazine. For In-Design I was able to create a double page spread to go in my magazine, with a ready edited photograph from Photoshop. Learnt how to place backgrounds and again use different features.

Not all of my magazine went well; there were so tricky stages where I thought my cover photo was to dark. For my front cover I have got different coloured strobe lights and the light made because face look unnatural due to the angle that the picture was taken at. With some editing I managed to fix it and dim her face so it was more visible and the overall look is more professional.  Also my contents page had some minor problems, I originally had blocks with the different subcategories on but then I decided that it was too much and the colours were to overpowering. So I removed them and was then able to add more information because it looked to bare which took longer than I expected. The double page spread however did not take long for me to complete and had one issue that was I couldnt angle the picture right so that it would look good across a whole A4 page.

Altogether I have learnt quite a lot about all these technologies like they take a lot of time because there is so much coordinating and learning needed to be able to create a faultless piece of work. The colours in your magazine will be changed around so many times so that its equal and it is a long process. The other internet technology that I have learnt a lot about is blogger because before this I have never written a blog or used one of these internet sites so it was a new expirience. I learnt how to use the layout on blogger and make my work presentable. I also learnt how to use some other websites like Prezi a website where you can create your own brainstorm and upload it to other websites and slide share a website used to upload PowerPoint’s and then put them on other websites.