Monday 4 March 2013

Evaluation Question 7-Preliminary and coursework

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?



Preliminary task                                                                Coursework


Photography skills are weak                                        In the coursework my picture is

In the preliminary task as the                                       much improved and the photo

Picture is from a bad angle                                          is from the perfect angle.

And is not very clear.


Layout of the preliminary task                                   In the coursework the layout is

Is very immature and has a                                      much improved and looks better.

Scruffy look to it. Also the                                         The colours also look more

Styles used and colours                                           mature because black and white

Don’t match.                                                             Are used.


The content of the preliminary                                 the content is much more

Task is much less detailed than                              complex and better and much has

My coursework as I have learnt                               been learnt which is clear.

That more is needed to a better



The technology’s that have been                            The different technologies have

Used have not been used well                               been used better like Photoshop

E.g- Photoshop                                                       as better effects have been used.

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