Friday 15 February 2013

Evaluation Question 2. Script


Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

How do the photographs and text represent men and women?

 The overall look of my magazine shows my target audience as non-biased and for both genders because the magazine is suitable for a reasonable size age range and for males and female due to the colour scheme, purple and green. Those colours would appeal the same to both sexes so I based the colour scheme around them. The Front cover has an image of Beka on it and no males but some of the cover lines mention male artists. I made sure I included a photograph of a male on my contents page so that it is not seen as stereotypical. Beka’s body language and facial expression show that she is enjoying what she is doing also that she is confident. She is wearing casual clothing to show a ‘street’ style look for party/dance music.

 How do the photographs and text represent young people or older people?

The photographs in this magazine would represent older people because clubbing and partying at nightclubs is something that you tend to do from 18+. Also the atmosphere shown in the front cover photograph might not be the type of party everyone likes. The text in this magazine represents young/middle age people because the words used are simple and content would interest them because it is quite a basic and an overview of an upcoming artist.

 Are any of the following represented – sexuality, race, disability, nationality, religion, etc?

 None of the above terms are represented in my magazine because I wanted to create a diverse feeling and style to my magazine, the only one represented is the fact that all of my artists that I have chosen are white.

 How is the genre of your music represented?

The genre of my magazine is Dance and party music; I have represented it well by having the bright green and purple lights to represent a clubbing atmosphere and using Beka as my artist because her image fits my genre.

 How have you equated particular appearances of people with particular genres of music?  What does this say about them?
Certain people in my magazine have been displayed specially as they are upcoming good artists or are the most well-known. Some of them have been displayed in a larger font or have their picture next to them for example.


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