Thursday 28 February 2013

Evaluation Question 5-Target audience Interview

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience? INTERVIEW QUESTION’S
What attracted you to SMASH magazine?
When I first saw this magazine I was attracted to the bright and interesting colour scheme and front cover design. I felt this magazine was unique because of how well the cover style fits the genre. The bright colours have been cleverly matched to fit the party lights in the model image which creates the real party feeling. The text is bold and right to the top of the page so it will be seen when hidden behind other magazine which is how I got attracted to it especially because it is yellow with the purple outline to make it bolder. I was also attracted to the bold WIN section because it is purple with white text which makes it clear to read and stand out. The cover is different to others so when it’s in the shop it will be noticeable.
The content on the front cover shows all the best pages, articles and their numbers so that they can be easily found; this is because they are the best pages in the magazine. The sizes of the font also increase in proportion to how important each cover line is the main is largest as it goes along with the picture. The colour of each of these cover lines are different so that there equally spread around the page. This ensures that my magazine has a neat and professional look so people are attracted to and will want to buy it in the shop.
The contents page of my magazine has followed the same colour scheme as my front cover, purple and green, which are slightly different to most magazines due to they have a different scheme inside. The text styles and fonts are all the same as my front cover so that the whole magazine is in the same size with important parts enlarged. The content of it is into more detail, each cover line is now written down whereas on the front there are only the best ones. They have also got a brief description so that the audience can see what the articles are about which is important so that the audience gets an idea of what they will be reading.
The contents of this page are lots of catchy cover lines so that the audience wants to read everything and find out the latest news on their favourite artists. My target audience liked how         I had has explanations for each cover line because it allowed them to see if it was to their interests before they read too far into the article. The content of this is much like other magazines because I know they were successful so my magazine will be to.
The target audience thought that my double page spread looked very professional and the colour scheme works very well together, this is because I have used a simple black and then the bright green and blue. To match the image to the colour scheme the green and blue were carefully selected from the image so that it creates a special finish.
The contents of the double page spread are the most important out of the whole magazine due to it being the part the audience spend the most time reading. My target audience said that my article was enjoyable to read and had some English language devices like an ellipsis to leave the audience thinking about what they have just read.

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