Thursday 31 January 2013

Feedback 1-Megan's Review

Front cover

"I think the colour scheme could have a more florescent colour in it so the page looks brighter, I  like how the colour scheme links in to the contents page it makes the magazine look more organised"

"Some of the front cover cover lines could be a bit bigger so that you can tell which ones are more important and the best stories"

"The image could be slightly more edited so that the models face is brighter"

Contents page

"The contents page could be better organised on the page so that all the text lines up, also some of the text could be smaller so that it fits better"

"The colours on the contents page could be organised better and not just randomly placed so that the magazine looks more stylish"

Double page spread

"The double page spread could have another colour added to it, so that it is not to plain"

"The quotations could be smaller in text size so that they aren't the only thing the reader looks at"

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