Thursday 31 January 2013

Feedback 3- Beka's Review

Front cover

"I think that the overall look of the page fits well with the dance genre because of the setting in the picture, I also like the way the picture matches the colour scheme"

"Some of the cover lines could be bigger to show that some stories are more important but otherwise I like this page"

Contents page

"For this page I also like the way the colour scheme is carried on but I think you could introduce some more colours so that it does not look to plain"

"I think some of the images on this page could be bigger and some of the text smaller to make it just right"

Double page spread

"For this page it is my favorite because I think the black background and white text looks different and interesting, I also think that using the florescent blue and green makes the page look even better"

"I think the way that some of Beka's actual quotes are highlighted because it makes sure the reader sees the important parts"

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