Thursday 31 January 2013

Introduction to Evaluation

I have now finished creating my Front cover, Contents page and Double page spread for my magazine "Smash". My magazine is aimed at the dance and party genre and is for both males and females starting from 16 to around 25. I choose this genre because it is an interesting style and I thought I could be creative with how I made it, e.g-lighting. To help me get a general idea for how I should start and get inspired I did 5 textual analysis' for a Front cover, Contents page and Double page spread of some current different genre magazines to help me decide which one to choose. 

Conducting this research also helped me understand what  features I need to include in my magazine which was useful because I could see different styles and very different colour schemes. Throughout conducting this research my designs have changed a lot as you can see from my draft ideas previously in the blog. 

I am happy with the end results for my magazine but I think there could be some slight adjustments that would make it better. I now am going to do a further evaluation including 7 questions so I can see what went right and wrong.

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