Wednesday 31 October 2012

NME Double page spread analysis 2

NME Double page textual analysis.

On this double page spread of NME there is a man that is standing across the two pages. He has columns neatly organised around him for the text. There are all neatly aligned so there is a grid to the pattern. This has the effect that the article is more formal as it may be about a famous important person. There is more text to image on these two pages because the picture of the man is very big and there are also other pictures on the page.  Your eye is drawn to the fact the large man has jet black hair and what he is wearing stands out because it’s a blazer and purple shirt. Also because the background is white and the heading is black it makes the males hair stand out even more. There are a few sub-headings across the page, on is black in very large letters and a normal font. The other is in a large blue box to stand out more on the white and with white text so it looks like it’s been cut out of the box. This font is being used because it looks neat and tidy and has connotations with the look of the male.

The mode of this text is to inform the audience on a certain artist so it interests a certain target market. One language effect used is alliteration which is ‘Marr’s magisterial’ which has given a person a lot of description in the article. This articles has a headline that is a pun, it says ‘Johnny Marr ready for his close-ups’ talking about his close up story’s and the picture that are taken. It also has 3 facts to inform the reader more about this artist. The content of the story is a basic evaluation of an old good artist’s career. The sub-headings that are used both focus on the text or the picture they go with well providing a good story so they are well written.

The images are constructed well they fit together across the page well. Some of the images are mounted on a blue box on the right hand corner of the double page they also fit in well with the colour scheme. The large man is framed so that the amount of him on each page is not equal and it is not exact. The camera angle is to one side and it’s a medium close up so that the man looks like he is speaking directly to you on the page from the angle. The dominant image would be the large male due to the text column’s fitting around him on the 2 pages. This artist represents the target audience by showing that people of a younger age would probably not be interested in this particular artist.

The target audience for this article is 16+ because the price of this magazine is £2.40 which is cheap but the content is complex. There is also a lot of writing in the article which would not interest younger people as they like more pictures.

Overall all of the devices used work together well to produce an article that tells the story of an old famous artist in a formal but interesting layout.

Mix mag Double page spread 1

Mix Mag Double page spread textual analysis 1

This double page spread works well together because it is a picture on one page advertising a television programme and an article on ‘the high life’ on the other page. On the right hand side page there are 3 columns of text, 2 are small with a picture above them and one is longer the length of the picture and the text. This has the organised effect to show that the information could be important. For this page there is more text than image although on the left hand page there is mainly image. When you first look at the page your eyes are drawn to the fact that on the right hand side in the picture, the man on the aeroplanes face is green and scaly. On the left hand side your eyes are drawn to the title ‘tiesto club life’ as it is in a boxed font and are multicoloured. There are a few headings across the double page; one is ‘The high life’ advertising an aeroplane service which is also a pun. Another is on the other page in black font advertising events.

There are a variety of different fonts used across the page on at the top of the left page is like an old game style because it is made of pixel boxes. It is in black and underneath it is multi-coloured and then in boxes underneath that there are two pieces of text. The have white bold normal font and one of them has a picture of cherry’s on it which is an iconic sign. There are a variety of different upcoming guests written in a black font down the side of all of the pictures on the left page. On the right page there is the same font used all over the page in different sizes and colours so it looks more organized. The colour template that is being used is bright multi-coloured across the two pages so it connotates a fun holiday abroad because of the plane and partying because of the advert with special guests.

The mode of the double page spread is to tell people about an aeroplane travel service that is obviously shown as bad but a teen finds it interesting also to tell people about the entertainment. The language effects used in the article are a pun for ‘the high life’ so add some humour into the text. Also some alliteration has been used that is ‘leather loafers’ so it makes the text more interesting to read. Another effect used is an ellipsis which is ‘wave frequently and pretend you’re interested in them…’ to make the reader think about what’s been said. There has also been a cliché used that is ‘spent more time airborne than playing tunes’ which is not actually true. The headings on each article relate to the story that is below it so it is easy to find each article. The content of the text has the content to interest young holiday makes and advertise companies.

The way that the images are constructed on the left page has not got a specific design, the text is written across the image so it is not very orderly. On the right hand page it is constructed differently the image dominates the text because the text is arranged around the image. There is also a picture of the author on the right page and his picture is with the organisation of the rest of the article. His picture is in its own column with a small piece of text. The facial expression of the man on the left page is relaxed and normal because that’s how you’re supposed to feel when you’re on holiday. Also the man on the right hand page is smiling a lot because he is enjoying the service on the aircraft. To represent the target audience the author shows that it’s for audiences for people who can get served by advertising club nights on the left hand page. Also the idea of going abroad alone is a mature idea.

This double page in the magazine fits in with the overall piece by showing a different type of music which is what the magazine is supposed to advertise.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Rhythm Contents textual analysis 5

Rhythm contents textual analysis
The content page does not stand out from others if only has a regular design with a image of a band that is quite disturbing. The word content is displayed at the top of the page in large text and a normal red font. It is mounted slightly tilted on top of a white strip. Next to it is ‘in this month’s rhythm’ on a red arrow pointing to the picture as it’s the main article.
The picture is of the band slipknot’s main member ‘Joey Jordison’ who’s name is across the picture in a yellow font with slipknot in white underneath it so it’s clear where he’s from. His head slightly covers up some of the word contents so it looks like he is coming off the page and is more realistic. He has a mask on and it is unusual which gives a feeling for what this genre music is like. He is covered in fake blood which suggests the music might have a dangerous vibe about it. There is also a small paragraph to underline what’s in the article and what pages it’s on. There is also a competition advertised underneath the text for fans to enter, it’s in yellow to stand out on the dark background.
There are red headings for each sub-category and they are on a white background to create a tone with the black above. Underneath each of the headings there are black article names and then beside them are smaller black text page numbers. On some of the articles there are red names of artists below the article name or a smaller description to provide more information for the reader. To separate each of the columns there are black outlines so the magazine looks neat and well made. It also provides extra legibility.
In the bottom right corner there is a sub-category called ‘buyers guide’ which has a small paragraph description outlining that it gives the best information on what new instruments and equipment are the best. This has been done so they can advertise what equipment there music genre uses to create music themselves.
The location that has been used for the picture of Joey Jordison has been done so that it create a dark empty look to go along with his style of bloody and scary.

Overall, the layout of this contents page works well with the music genre becuase its rock which is rough so all the blood and the outfit fits perfectly with this look.

Bass Contents textual analysis 4

Bass Contents Textual analysis
This contents page is different to others because it has a picture going across the two pages right at the top of the magazine, it doesn’t fully cover up the two pages it leaves a gap for another article on the edge. There is a contents heading in white with the date underneath it and the issue number. The picture itself is an iconic sign of an artist and some guitars. There is also a page number in red normal font and then the artist name in white which is ‘Bootsy Collins’. On the right hand side there is also a page number and article name for the large red guitar. It is in a red circle that bleeds of the page and the text is white again.
There are red headings for each sub-category for each section of the magazine so that it is easier to see what is in their and find what you’re looking for. The main background of the magazine is white. So the headings look bright. The page numbers are in red and the article names are in black so it matches with the colour scheme. Some of the articles have smaller descriptions explaining what details are inside.
There are a variety of different images used in the different articles so that you can see what it is that they are going to talk about,
Along the side of the page there is another sub-category that has a different layout to the others so it looks more interesting. There is a large picture of an amplifier which is an iconic sign. Underneath is the page number and article name which is ‘TC ELECTRONIC BG500’ showing that it has lots of details on this specific amplifier. The large picture is used so that it stands out and the readers see it.

Overall, This magazine has an interesting different look compared to others becuase of the picture across the top and this works well to draw in more readers and attract thier attention.

Q Contents textual analysis 3

Q Contents page textual analysis
The look of this magazine is simple and plain colours have been used so the look more natural. There is a strip across the top that has ‘contents’ written on it in white bold letters. Next to the word contents is the Q logo and slightly to the other side are the issue number and the date it was issued, also in white smaller text.
The Q in the corner of the page is a symbolic and indexical sign because you have to learn what it means to recognise it and it has no connection to a magazine because it is just the letter Q.
The picture on this page is of one of the bands from the music genre, they are standing in a wide open space which gives the connotations that there music could be quite deep and meaningful. There is a white box with a red page number and there name showing clearly what page to look on to read more.
There is a picture of an artist who is the biggest and best music dude from the text on the strip. He is leaning against the pillar so he looks ‘cool’ to go along with the language used in the text. This picture is an iconic sign. Beside the picture there are some page numbers that the reviews are on mounted on to a blue box background to give the magazine some more colour.
There are three other headings on the page for each separate sub-category of the magazine of which 2 have smaller red strips with bold white lettering on top. This has been done so that it differs from the main headline and so that it fits the tidy style of the rest of the page. Also red is a vibrant colour so it catches your eye straight away.
Underneath each sub-category are the page numbers which are in red and the topic for each page in black normal font. Underneath them are descriptions of what each section is about in a much smaller black font.
There is another section on the page that has a fainter red box outline and in the same colour but text is ‘oasis special’ as the heading. Underneath this is the same layout as the other pages but with the fainter red for the numbers. This is done because this issue of Q is specially dedicated to oasis the band so a number of pages will be about them.
The 3rd heading on the page has the same strip layout as the title so it makes the page have 2 sections which are the contents and then the review. Next to the heading ‘review’ is some smaller text in white still that says ‘THE WORLDS BIGGEST AND BEST MUSIC DUDE’ that tells people he will be reviewing.

Overall, This magazine provides a fresh feeling due to the pictures so it suggests the music genre could be quite calming and this look goes well.

Acoustic Contents textual analysis 2

Acoustic Contents textual analysis.
This example of a contents page does not have a very bold headline. It only has contents in a red basic font and Acoustic issue 33 in the same font but black.
There is a large picture of a band from the music genre; there is a grey strip across the bottom that is slightly transparent and has the page number written along with the band name ‘the Proclaimers ’  and a small description in a white normal font. The description is smaller as it goes into more detail in the article. There is also a rosette in the corner that celebrates there Glastonbury appearance which is an symbolic sign. It is red and white so it stands out and goes along with the colour scheme.
There is a selection of different artists along with their page numbers so you can easily identify where there articles are. Some of the articles are directly on the white background of the page and some are mounted on boxes so that it looks 3D in parts, This also makes it more colourful and show the different destinations the artists are at.
There are separate sub-categories separating the articles about the artists up and the different stuff inside. The text for these sub-categories is in small grey strips with white text to match the main picture and sub-heading.  
There are pictures to show that inside you can learn more on how to play the guitar because there are step by step guides available. This picture is under the sub-category of ‘guitar techniques’ and bold underneath it is ‘want to improve’ in red lettering. Underneath the picture in even bolder red text is ‘learn two hand tapping’ which shows the magazine holds a variety of different techniques. This sub-category also has a quote from ‘Gordon Giltrap’ whose name is in grey.
Along the other category’s there are just red numbers with black article names or what thee page is about and some have a description in smaller text as well. On some of the sub-category’s there are pictures of various musical instruments.
Along the right hand side there are several acoustic guitars which are all different shades to create an interesting look. They are all different sizes so the line of them is not straight. There are iconic signs. At the bottom of the page below them is another grey strip with white text mounted on it. This creates a more interesting way of making sub-category.
There is a sub-category for ‘special features’ that has all the festivals like Glastonbury advertised and the page number. It also has any competitions or games in the magazine listed.

Overall, This magazine has a clear easy to read layout and would be suitable for younger teens as well as adults becuase the content is also appropriate.

Monday 22 October 2012

Kerrang contents page textual analysis 1

Textual analysis of Kerrang contents page.

This contents page is detailed and has a lot of text which makes the look of it quite complex. There is a clear cover line at the top that is in a red strip across the page, it has the date and issue number in smaller white text next to the title ‘Kerrang contents’ and the text is in a scruffy faded font. Part of the word ‘Kerrang’ is covered up by the picture so that it gives a 3D effect and makes it become part of the picture. The background colour of the page is white because there is a mixture of different colours used so the background needs to be basic so that it doesn’t look to crowded.

There are similar headings for each sub-category beside the picture although they are black strips with yellow text inside. Underneath each heading is the page numbers in red and each next to it in black text are each cover line. Some of the cover lines have smaller text underneath them to provide a bit more description. One of the sub-category’s is mounted on a blue box with yellow and white text to outline the fact that this is ‘the heroes issue’.

At the bottom there is a small section bellow the picture that is from the editor of the magazine. He starts his first column with ‘HELLO READERS’ in bold larger writing to the rest so that it stands out and is clear that it is directed at everyone. Beside this is a picture of him so that people can recognise who he is and get an idea of how he inspires himself. He has signed the article and is made clear that he is the editor underneath this.

In the lower right corner there is an advertisement for vo5 hair products which is a symbolic sign because you have to learn what it is to be able to recognise it. The advert is a competition so it draws the reader’s attention more than a usual advert would.

The picture and article on the page it of a man with long hair, a crown and a shirt with prince harry on it that has been edited so that he has a bleeding nose and ‘party hard’ across it which is not in prince Harry’s nature. This has been done so people immediately look at it in surprise and to ensure that people see the competition below. Slightly to the side is a ridged yellow circle with ‘WIN’ in big bold letters across it to outline the fact there is a prize. The man wearing the shirts facial expression is unusual and goes along perfectly with his clothes, it makes him look mad to portray the feeling given by the music genre. A pun has been used as a heading to the competition that says ‘a bloody good t-shirt’ because it has 2 meanings. The details for how to enter are also clearly displayed in white text on the black background of the article.

Overall, this magazine has a vast amount of information on it but it still has a neat different look to it to suit the type of music genre.


Bass cover textual analysis 5

Textual analysis of ‘Bass’ front cover.
The overall layout of Bass magazine is an old fashion sort of style which it is supposed to be mocking. It has the bold basic Masthead at the top in big white letters which contrasts with the red background which fades into yellow at the bottom. These colours have been used to stand out because there bright like the sun, fire or flowers and could have been used to show the audience that the magazine has a bright content inside. Bass also has a white tag line close to the masthead which says ‘The UK’s number one bass guitar magazine’, which straight away shows it will be interesting.  In the centre of the magazine there is a black man who has black long shoulder length plaited hair and is wearing a yellow leather smart outfit with a matching hat. He is positioned slightly offside so it brings your attention to it and the shot is a medium so that we can see part of his legs. This is also done so that the image dominates where the text goes and is what the reader will mainly focus on. He has his arms crossed and his fingers open showing he’s got style. The outfit is a 70’s look because it all has a glittery dated style. The male model is also wearing a pair of sunglasses with silver gems and a purple star printed on the middle to see through. He has lots of jewellery and is holding an electric guitar that’s in the shape of a star. The guitar also matches his style of a large amount of glitter and diamantes.  The guitar is on a strap that the man has on, allowing the guitar to hang freely around his neck in a fashion. Alongside the man there is a variety of different cover lines to look at. The Main cover line is ‘reviewed BURNS’ nu-sonic Bass’ which is what the model is from. This was perhaps chosen as the main cover line because it is the most interesting and would stand out the most because of the way he’s dressed and portrays himself. Bass uses other cover lines too in different colours, red, black and white. The lines all give a short clip of what is inside.

The puff of this magazine is “win a Warwick rock bass corvette $$” which will make people buy the magazine because they want to find out how to win or take part and could perhaps be the reason some people buy this magazine. The pug of this magazine would be to inform people about bass guitars as that is what this magazine specialises in.

The target audience for this magazine would perhaps be older people, or anyone who takes an interest in to guitars in particular because that’s what the magazine specialises in. Although if the reader was younger they might struggle to understand some of the language used. They also might not be able to afford the price of the magazine as it costs £3.95 which is a lot for a magazine. The magazine is an iconic sign because it only has relations to what it is.  The model gives the connotations that this magazine is for older music because of how he looks and the background which is just a colour, no picture, makes the man stand out even more. The language used in bass is informal because the magazine is supposed to portray a styled guitar magazine so there is no need to speak in proper language.  Also this magazine is something people would read in their free time so it doesn’t need Standard English.

In the corner of this magazine there is a barcode that is an iconic sign because everyone is aware what the meaning of it is as it is globally recognised. The guitars are iconic signs because they mean what they represent.

The location feeling given from the magazine cover is almost a travel back in time because everything is very ‘old styled’. The male in the picture is somewhere bright and colourful. I would say that the text is the dominant feature as the man is surrounded by lots of cover lines all around him.

Friday 19 October 2012

Rolling stones cover textual analysis 4

Rolling stones textual analysis

This issue of the rolling stones magazine is a basic design and very plain but it still would stand out against other magazines. The masthead is in 3D letters that are grey with a white outline. These letters say 'rolling stones' and have a black shadow effect so that they look 3D. The letters are in a normal style font with a swirl to some of the letters. The tagline is 'Matt taibbi follows the money' showing that inside the topics are quite complex and may not be of interest to younger people. It is in a black box and has white letters to ensure that it is noticed by the reader. The main cover line for this issue is 'To hell and back with ROBERT DOWNEY Jr.' this is in a white font and has his name in capital letters, the text is larger than all the other cover lines. This has been done because it is the main story and what people want to read about so it takes up the most space. The other cover lines on the page are all in black so that you can easily identify the main one. Another cover line that looks interesting on the cover is ‘Mellencamp’s NEW BLUES’ this is in much smaller font than all the others which suggests it is not important and is just an extra bit they put in. The background of the cover is a large male in an orange hoodie which is an iconic sign. This color stands out as it is bright like the sun and makes you feel happy. It is not a color that you might see a male of this size wearing so it gives you a better feeling for what this type of music is like. The man has a blank expression on his face and looks straight through you as though he is concentrating on something to hard. The background color is white to go along with the cover line and tag line that are also white. In the corner there is a barcode which is an iconic sign because it is used in all countries and can be recognized by everyone.

The target audience for this magazine would be from about 15+ because the content of the magazine might be a bit to plain and have a boring content for younger people. The price of this magazine is £3.50 which is quite a lot for teens who might get little pocket money.

This magazine does not have an obvious puff to pull out. The pug of this magazine or the main promise would be to inform adults about their favorite artists.

The location given by the feeling of this magazine is somewhere alone and away from people which suggest that the music genre could be quite deep. In this magazine the picture is the dominant feature because very little of it is covered by text. Overall all the features work together to produce a deep music feeling and a magazine that will stand out from others because it is so unique.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Now cover textual analysis 3

Whitney Houston issue of Now textual analysis

Whitney Houston’s special issue of now magazines layout is like a page of memories and pictures of her time as a singer. The masthead is in thick font in parts so it looks interesting, the letters are gold as the magazine features Whitney’s shining years. The masthead is not all the same size, the Whitney is twice as big as the Huston. Underneath Whitney’s name in normal font and smaller but the same colour are the years of Whitney’s life “1963-2012”. This already tells you this already tells you what the magazine is all about. The music genre for this magazine would be pop and some classical. The tagline for this magazine is “now special series” because they are doing a tribute for the great singer Whitney. This writing is also in the same font and colour as the masthead although smaller. The ‘now’ is slightly larger than the rest of the text to highlight the fact that, that is the actual name of the magazine. The gold colour used on these two features has a faded effect from one end of the masthead to the other, from lighter to dark. The main cover line for Now is in a gold ridged box to match the masthead; it looks like a sticker so the cover is more 3D. The writing inside this shape is black and says “Whitney: a life remembered” and the typography is a normal type and size. The rest of the text in the main cover line is white and a different type that is funkier. It says “From global choirs to superstar” which tries to inspire the magazine by showing how far she came. Some other cover lines on the front page are one of a picture with a previous boyfriend from over the years with a black border around it so it lifts off from the background. The text for this cover line is on a gold background with square edging to go with the round effect used on the other cover line. The writing is in a normal size and it is black reading “secrets of Whitney and bobby’s turbulent love story “which tells the story of how she settled down for a while in her life. Whitney may not have wanted people to know about it because it’s her secret. The last cover line that stands out is at the bottom of the magazine in a black strip box filled in black. It has gold writing in it that says “ The music*The Films*The fashion*The legend” the stars that split up each word have been used to show that she was a star in every type of media.

The background picture of this magazine is of Whitney not dressed up but looking glamorous. She has a very happy facial expression, although her time wasn’t always happy shown by the cover lines, and is holding one arm up near her face. She is wearing a black vest top and that is the only clothing you can see. The cover also has a black border around it that is thicker at the top by the main headline and in the middle is a white background behind the picture of Whitney. The two colours work together well because black and white is an old fashioned colour scheme which was used a lot during the peak of her career. The picture of Whitney is an iconic sign because it is a photo.

The target audience for this magazine would be people who are interested in pop and Whitney’s genre which would be mainly adults as it was around their time. The price of this magazine is not expensive as its only £2.99 so younger people could buy it if they wished.

The puff of this magazine would be “ultimate tribute issue” as it is at the top and it draws more readers in to pay respect to the singer. The pug of this magazine would be to inform people on a happy life with a sad end to it but in a memorable way.

An iconic sign that I can pull out from the cover is the barcode because it is used in all countries so everyone will be familiar with it. Also all of the photos on the page are iconic signs because they mean what they are. The location feeling given from this magazine is a concert because everything is lit up like a stage in the background and Whitney’s makeup is done specially.

In this special issue of now magazine the picture is the dominant feature as there is very little text compared to images. Also the text that is on the page is pushed to one side so that the whole of Whitney is displayed. Overall the features used in now work together to create the perfect remembrance scene for the great singer.

NME cover textual analysis 2

NME Textual analysis

NME’S overall layout is neat and there is a smaller amount of text to pictures. The masthead is yellow and in very large letters as it only consists of three, they are in a neat standard font. The colour yellow represents brightness and possibly happiness so this starts to give you an idea of the genre and the feeling given by it. The tagline for this issue is in a red box with a white outline. The lettering inside is white and reads “special lyrics issue, who’s the greatest writer ever?” The word ‘lyrics’ is in a black messy painted font and lies slightly over the word issue. This has been done so people notice that’s it is a special issue. The words ‘who’s greatest writer ever?” Are written in block capitals and are smaller than the rest of the text to show that it is a more serious article as its smarter, it’s in the colour black. This box was created like this so that it looks like a sticker and is more 3D. The main Cover line is of Kurt Cobain who quotes “my lyrics are contradictions. I’ll write a few sincere lines, then make fun of them “this is written in an interesting random spacing type so that it stands out. Underneath that is his name printed on a yellow box with bold red letters so that the heading matches the colour scheme. Bellow the name it says “The voice of a generation” making people want to read and know about how his life has been behind the rock and see him in a different light. Some other headlines that stand out on the cover are Alex Turner, in red bold small font, “I write about what I see, what else is there?” this is in black simple typography and the quote shows that there could perhaps be some emotive language in the magazine because he could of seen a lot in his time as a rock star. This cover line is also on a yellow box background so the page looks coordinated. Alex is wearing a white shirt that is undone and messy with a black coat/jacket. His facial expression is blank and looking to one side with his arm up and his hand touching his head to steady himself leaning against the wooden background. The picture is mounted on a yellow box again and has a small heading that reads “The Northern wit”, which is a pun. This heading is slightly slanted to add too Alex’s already trendy look. Another interesting cover line at the bottom in the right corner is “plus, the greatest lyrics ever written”. The word plus is in a font that looks painted on and the rest is written in a red bold font on a white background to add a variety of colours. The rest of the cover line is some famous successful artist’s names that are bolder than the rest of the text because they are the hero’s. This is styled like this so that people recognise the important people.

The background of NME is of Kurt Cobain to go with the main headline, he is wearing a white top with a patterned plain coloured shirt and finally a fluffy leopard print jacket on which is undone a bit. He has a strap that goes over his shoulder but you cannot make out what it is by just looking at the picture. Kurt is also wearing a pair of old fashioned, thick white rimmed sunglasses that have a black lenses and a winter hat with ear warmers. This would be worn for cold weather so it suggests that he’s in a cold place, it could also be sunny as he has sunglasses. His location could be a cold morning scene as there is a light blue background. Kurt is also smoking a cigarette held in his mouth. The cigarette is an iconic sign because it is a global habit. The shot type is a medium close up.

Some wording that’s is a language feature used in the text is “who’s the greatest writer ever?” which is a rhetorical question which has been put there to get the readers to interact and get their opinion on their favourite song writers. The work NME is a symbolic sign because you would have to know the word enemy to know that it was an abbreviation. The tone of the magazine is very chatty because it says “I write about what I see, what else is there?” which makes the reader feel like the writer is directly speaking to you, another rhetorical question is also used here.

The target audience of this magazine would be teenager’s from14+ because the magazine is aimed at older people as inappropriate actions are displayed like smoking. The typography can be harsh to understand in some cases which also provides a barrier for younger people. Also the bands shown may not interest the minds of younger teens, the stories inside would also only interest older people.

The overall genre that this music magazine would be is soft rock because the artists come under that area.  Some semiotics that I can pull out from the cover is the “Alex Turner” picture is an iconic sign along with all the other artist pictures. The barcode is also an iconic sign as it is used in all countries.

The puff of this magazine is “FREE classic libertines poster inside” the word libertines is in yellow so that it is clearer than the rest of the black text, this would attract people more because it’s free.  The pug of this magazine would be to tell people lyrics of the songs and feature information and pictures. The price of it is £2.40 so teens can afford it when they get to 14 as 14+ is the target audience.

Overall, NME’s contents all work well together to produce a bright awakening feeling which makes you want to find more and get new happy vibe music. 

Kerrang cover textual analysis 1

Kerrang textual analysis

Kerrang’s layout is very busy and there is a lot going on. The masthead is bol black letters that have rough edges to give a scruffy look. This connotates that the magazine could be a heavy metal one as they take to the scruffy rough look because it is different. The tagline of kerrang is “these people changed lives” which makes the reader wants to look inside and read more. This is a clever way of drawing in more readers and interest. Kerrang uses a main headline of “rocks greatest hero’s” which goes along with the band in the background. This is the main headline because it is the most interesting and the main story of the magazine(about the hero’s). The letters are in bright yellow as it should be one of the first things that catches your eye. One other headline that stands out a lot is “10 amazing posters!” which come free with the magazine. This is in red normal font writing on a yellow background. All the other headlines are in white and black as it goes along with the colour scheme. Underneath this are 10 smaller pictures of all the posters inside the magazine. This headline catches people’s eyes because posters are collectable to some people. The pictures are all iconic signs because they look like what they are.

The background pictures denotations would be 4 males that have shirts and t-shirts on with jeans to portray a cool look. They have guitars and accessories like studded bracelets. One member has a bandanna and sunglasses on which shows that he is chilled out and comfortable with what he is doing. The other members of the band hold serious expressions and look like they are concentrating in looking good. The main singer in the band has been made slightly closer than the rest so he is larger and stands out. This is perhaps because he is the most well-known or famous; he is also the only blonde one. The gender of the band is all male which adds a rougher look to the band. The picture of the band is a symbolic sign because it is a photograph of them. The background of this magazine is a rough mustard faded colour that has a vintage style so it adds the expensive look to the magazine as well. This is mainly because the colour mustard is a mature older colour that adds style. The target market for this magazine would be people who are interested in heavy rock music from the ages 13+ because there is some difficult language to read and understand.

The puff of this kerrang issue would be the part where it says “new my chemical romance songs released!” which is what some people might buy the magazine to find out as it is a music magazine. The pug of the magazine would be to inform people about what is happening in the rock music industry. Its main promise is to tell the stories of a selection of rock hero’s. The price of this magazine is £2.20 which is practical for teens as they might get a limited amount of money. There is barcode in the corner which is an iconic sign because it is used in all countries. At the top of the magazine there is the my chemical romance logo which is a symbolic sign because you have to learn what it is to recognise what it means. All of the other photographs on the cover are also iconic signs.

The location given from the look of the cover is a rural outdoor scene because of the texture of the background and the colour of it. In kerrang magazine I would say that the text is the dominant feature as it is covering parts of the band in the background and it puts the other picture in place. Overall the features used work together well to create the right look to go with the band, they also create the real rock feeling and make you want to read more which is the purpose.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Evaluation of preliminary task


For my preliminary task I have designed the front page, and the contents page of a college magazine. I have included a medium close up image of 2 students’ that are working on the grounds to provide a closer look into what is available here. The overall layout of my college magazine is neat due to the cover lines being short and not covering the photo. There is also not to many colors used.

Looking at the cover of my magazine, it should be clear to the reader who the audience is due to it being aimed at college students. The gender of my college magazine is male and female as Farnham College is for boys and girls. The age of people that might read this magazine could be all ages because a mixture of age ranges go to farnham college. The magazine has got a layout to appeal to everyone of all ethnicities because all races are welcome here. This particular issue of ‘Farnham college’ magazine might appeal more to the new students as to it has a lot of information on new dates and open evenings.  There is also a segment about enrolling in the new courses and A-levels so that students make the right choice and enjoy the courses that they study.  This issue of the magazine is mainly to welcome the new students and inform students what will be available this term.

The audience that my magazine has taken to is a cross-audience because both the teachers and students at Farnham may want to read it. This is because teachers need to see when events are as much as the students do. Also ‘college’ is a more relaxed and mature environment so its nice for students and teachers to have something that they can both relate to.  Although my audience can also stretch to parents too which is useful so that they can learn the key dates to support there child as much as possible.

The design and layout of the Farnham college magazine has reds, greens and white so that it is appealing to both genders. The cover photograph is of 2 students using the mac computers. The picture shows that students can come to college in there own clothes but it also shows that the students are relaxed and clearly do not feel pressured by fashion and can dress comfortably and how they want.  The front cover also has the Farnham logo on it, which is a symbolic sign because we would not relate it to Farnham without knowing what it was. The picture features the students heavily concentrating but looking happy at the same time which means young people are enjoying college life and doing there courses.

Some semiotics that i can pull put from my magazine cover  are the Farnham logo is a symbolic sign because you have to learn the meaning of it to recognize that it is the logo. Another sign i can find is the barcode which is an iconic sign because it is used globally so everyone knows what the meaning is. On the contents page the picture of the student and teacher, the freshers fair and the college are  iconic signs because they are all photographs so they represent there actual meaning.

Before the start of my preliminary task I had very little knowledge on how to use Photoshop and the apple mac computers. Since using this new software I am now able to complete anything needed in Photoshop although this is the first time I have used it. This is because whilst creating my college magazine I had to repeat a lot of the steps. For example- making the layers for each different piece of text and the pictures. Also I had to fix pictures and blur them using the special effects box, which also allows you to do black and white and lots of other effects.  I also learnt how to use the mac computers in a few lessons using Photoshop and other software.  

Preliminary task-Front page and contents page

Preliminary task Front page and Contents

My front page of my college magazine has a picture of students working as you can see and it has cover lines of green, red and white because it goes along with picture and the color scheme of my magazine. I have also made sure that the cover lines do not cover to much of the background as for this magazine it is important you can see what college life is like.

For my contents page i have not used as many colors because this page is only to outline what is inside the magazine so it needs to be clearer. I have used a few images along the side of my magazine which are iconic signs because they are photos.