Friday 19 October 2012

Rolling stones cover textual analysis 4

Rolling stones textual analysis

This issue of the rolling stones magazine is a basic design and very plain but it still would stand out against other magazines. The masthead is in 3D letters that are grey with a white outline. These letters say 'rolling stones' and have a black shadow effect so that they look 3D. The letters are in a normal style font with a swirl to some of the letters. The tagline is 'Matt taibbi follows the money' showing that inside the topics are quite complex and may not be of interest to younger people. It is in a black box and has white letters to ensure that it is noticed by the reader. The main cover line for this issue is 'To hell and back with ROBERT DOWNEY Jr.' this is in a white font and has his name in capital letters, the text is larger than all the other cover lines. This has been done because it is the main story and what people want to read about so it takes up the most space. The other cover lines on the page are all in black so that you can easily identify the main one. Another cover line that looks interesting on the cover is ‘Mellencamp’s NEW BLUES’ this is in much smaller font than all the others which suggests it is not important and is just an extra bit they put in. The background of the cover is a large male in an orange hoodie which is an iconic sign. This color stands out as it is bright like the sun and makes you feel happy. It is not a color that you might see a male of this size wearing so it gives you a better feeling for what this type of music is like. The man has a blank expression on his face and looks straight through you as though he is concentrating on something to hard. The background color is white to go along with the cover line and tag line that are also white. In the corner there is a barcode which is an iconic sign because it is used in all countries and can be recognized by everyone.

The target audience for this magazine would be from about 15+ because the content of the magazine might be a bit to plain and have a boring content for younger people. The price of this magazine is £3.50 which is quite a lot for teens who might get little pocket money.

This magazine does not have an obvious puff to pull out. The pug of this magazine or the main promise would be to inform adults about their favorite artists.

The location given by the feeling of this magazine is somewhere alone and away from people which suggest that the music genre could be quite deep. In this magazine the picture is the dominant feature because very little of it is covered by text. Overall all the features work together to produce a deep music feeling and a magazine that will stand out from others because it is so unique.

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