Wednesday 17 October 2012

Now cover textual analysis 3

Whitney Houston issue of Now textual analysis

Whitney Houston’s special issue of now magazines layout is like a page of memories and pictures of her time as a singer. The masthead is in thick font in parts so it looks interesting, the letters are gold as the magazine features Whitney’s shining years. The masthead is not all the same size, the Whitney is twice as big as the Huston. Underneath Whitney’s name in normal font and smaller but the same colour are the years of Whitney’s life “1963-2012”. This already tells you this already tells you what the magazine is all about. The music genre for this magazine would be pop and some classical. The tagline for this magazine is “now special series” because they are doing a tribute for the great singer Whitney. This writing is also in the same font and colour as the masthead although smaller. The ‘now’ is slightly larger than the rest of the text to highlight the fact that, that is the actual name of the magazine. The gold colour used on these two features has a faded effect from one end of the masthead to the other, from lighter to dark. The main cover line for Now is in a gold ridged box to match the masthead; it looks like a sticker so the cover is more 3D. The writing inside this shape is black and says “Whitney: a life remembered” and the typography is a normal type and size. The rest of the text in the main cover line is white and a different type that is funkier. It says “From global choirs to superstar” which tries to inspire the magazine by showing how far she came. Some other cover lines on the front page are one of a picture with a previous boyfriend from over the years with a black border around it so it lifts off from the background. The text for this cover line is on a gold background with square edging to go with the round effect used on the other cover line. The writing is in a normal size and it is black reading “secrets of Whitney and bobby’s turbulent love story “which tells the story of how she settled down for a while in her life. Whitney may not have wanted people to know about it because it’s her secret. The last cover line that stands out is at the bottom of the magazine in a black strip box filled in black. It has gold writing in it that says “ The music*The Films*The fashion*The legend” the stars that split up each word have been used to show that she was a star in every type of media.

The background picture of this magazine is of Whitney not dressed up but looking glamorous. She has a very happy facial expression, although her time wasn’t always happy shown by the cover lines, and is holding one arm up near her face. She is wearing a black vest top and that is the only clothing you can see. The cover also has a black border around it that is thicker at the top by the main headline and in the middle is a white background behind the picture of Whitney. The two colours work together well because black and white is an old fashioned colour scheme which was used a lot during the peak of her career. The picture of Whitney is an iconic sign because it is a photo.

The target audience for this magazine would be people who are interested in pop and Whitney’s genre which would be mainly adults as it was around their time. The price of this magazine is not expensive as its only £2.99 so younger people could buy it if they wished.

The puff of this magazine would be “ultimate tribute issue” as it is at the top and it draws more readers in to pay respect to the singer. The pug of this magazine would be to inform people on a happy life with a sad end to it but in a memorable way.

An iconic sign that I can pull out from the cover is the barcode because it is used in all countries so everyone will be familiar with it. Also all of the photos on the page are iconic signs because they mean what they are. The location feeling given from this magazine is a concert because everything is lit up like a stage in the background and Whitney’s makeup is done specially.

In this special issue of now magazine the picture is the dominant feature as there is very little text compared to images. Also the text that is on the page is pushed to one side so that the whole of Whitney is displayed. Overall the features used in now work together to create the perfect remembrance scene for the great singer.

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