Thursday 25 October 2012

Bass Contents textual analysis 4

Bass Contents Textual analysis
This contents page is different to others because it has a picture going across the two pages right at the top of the magazine, it doesn’t fully cover up the two pages it leaves a gap for another article on the edge. There is a contents heading in white with the date underneath it and the issue number. The picture itself is an iconic sign of an artist and some guitars. There is also a page number in red normal font and then the artist name in white which is ‘Bootsy Collins’. On the right hand side there is also a page number and article name for the large red guitar. It is in a red circle that bleeds of the page and the text is white again.
There are red headings for each sub-category for each section of the magazine so that it is easier to see what is in their and find what you’re looking for. The main background of the magazine is white. So the headings look bright. The page numbers are in red and the article names are in black so it matches with the colour scheme. Some of the articles have smaller descriptions explaining what details are inside.
There are a variety of different images used in the different articles so that you can see what it is that they are going to talk about,
Along the side of the page there is another sub-category that has a different layout to the others so it looks more interesting. There is a large picture of an amplifier which is an iconic sign. Underneath is the page number and article name which is ‘TC ELECTRONIC BG500’ showing that it has lots of details on this specific amplifier. The large picture is used so that it stands out and the readers see it.

Overall, This magazine has an interesting different look compared to others becuase of the picture across the top and this works well to draw in more readers and attract thier attention.

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