Thursday 25 October 2012

Rhythm Contents textual analysis 5

Rhythm contents textual analysis
The content page does not stand out from others if only has a regular design with a image of a band that is quite disturbing. The word content is displayed at the top of the page in large text and a normal red font. It is mounted slightly tilted on top of a white strip. Next to it is ‘in this month’s rhythm’ on a red arrow pointing to the picture as it’s the main article.
The picture is of the band slipknot’s main member ‘Joey Jordison’ who’s name is across the picture in a yellow font with slipknot in white underneath it so it’s clear where he’s from. His head slightly covers up some of the word contents so it looks like he is coming off the page and is more realistic. He has a mask on and it is unusual which gives a feeling for what this genre music is like. He is covered in fake blood which suggests the music might have a dangerous vibe about it. There is also a small paragraph to underline what’s in the article and what pages it’s on. There is also a competition advertised underneath the text for fans to enter, it’s in yellow to stand out on the dark background.
There are red headings for each sub-category and they are on a white background to create a tone with the black above. Underneath each of the headings there are black article names and then beside them are smaller black text page numbers. On some of the articles there are red names of artists below the article name or a smaller description to provide more information for the reader. To separate each of the columns there are black outlines so the magazine looks neat and well made. It also provides extra legibility.
In the bottom right corner there is a sub-category called ‘buyers guide’ which has a small paragraph description outlining that it gives the best information on what new instruments and equipment are the best. This has been done so they can advertise what equipment there music genre uses to create music themselves.
The location that has been used for the picture of Joey Jordison has been done so that it create a dark empty look to go along with his style of bloody and scary.

Overall, the layout of this contents page works well with the music genre becuase its rock which is rough so all the blood and the outfit fits perfectly with this look.

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