Wednesday 17 October 2012

Kerrang cover textual analysis 1

Kerrang textual analysis

Kerrang’s layout is very busy and there is a lot going on. The masthead is bol black letters that have rough edges to give a scruffy look. This connotates that the magazine could be a heavy metal one as they take to the scruffy rough look because it is different. The tagline of kerrang is “these people changed lives” which makes the reader wants to look inside and read more. This is a clever way of drawing in more readers and interest. Kerrang uses a main headline of “rocks greatest hero’s” which goes along with the band in the background. This is the main headline because it is the most interesting and the main story of the magazine(about the hero’s). The letters are in bright yellow as it should be one of the first things that catches your eye. One other headline that stands out a lot is “10 amazing posters!” which come free with the magazine. This is in red normal font writing on a yellow background. All the other headlines are in white and black as it goes along with the colour scheme. Underneath this are 10 smaller pictures of all the posters inside the magazine. This headline catches people’s eyes because posters are collectable to some people. The pictures are all iconic signs because they look like what they are.

The background pictures denotations would be 4 males that have shirts and t-shirts on with jeans to portray a cool look. They have guitars and accessories like studded bracelets. One member has a bandanna and sunglasses on which shows that he is chilled out and comfortable with what he is doing. The other members of the band hold serious expressions and look like they are concentrating in looking good. The main singer in the band has been made slightly closer than the rest so he is larger and stands out. This is perhaps because he is the most well-known or famous; he is also the only blonde one. The gender of the band is all male which adds a rougher look to the band. The picture of the band is a symbolic sign because it is a photograph of them. The background of this magazine is a rough mustard faded colour that has a vintage style so it adds the expensive look to the magazine as well. This is mainly because the colour mustard is a mature older colour that adds style. The target market for this magazine would be people who are interested in heavy rock music from the ages 13+ because there is some difficult language to read and understand.

The puff of this kerrang issue would be the part where it says “new my chemical romance songs released!” which is what some people might buy the magazine to find out as it is a music magazine. The pug of the magazine would be to inform people about what is happening in the rock music industry. Its main promise is to tell the stories of a selection of rock hero’s. The price of this magazine is £2.20 which is practical for teens as they might get a limited amount of money. There is barcode in the corner which is an iconic sign because it is used in all countries. At the top of the magazine there is the my chemical romance logo which is a symbolic sign because you have to learn what it is to recognise what it means. All of the other photographs on the cover are also iconic signs.

The location given from the look of the cover is a rural outdoor scene because of the texture of the background and the colour of it. In kerrang magazine I would say that the text is the dominant feature as it is covering parts of the band in the background and it puts the other picture in place. Overall the features used work together well to create the right look to go with the band, they also create the real rock feeling and make you want to read more which is the purpose.

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