Wednesday 31 October 2012

Mix mag Double page spread 1

Mix Mag Double page spread textual analysis 1

This double page spread works well together because it is a picture on one page advertising a television programme and an article on ‘the high life’ on the other page. On the right hand side page there are 3 columns of text, 2 are small with a picture above them and one is longer the length of the picture and the text. This has the organised effect to show that the information could be important. For this page there is more text than image although on the left hand page there is mainly image. When you first look at the page your eyes are drawn to the fact that on the right hand side in the picture, the man on the aeroplanes face is green and scaly. On the left hand side your eyes are drawn to the title ‘tiesto club life’ as it is in a boxed font and are multicoloured. There are a few headings across the double page; one is ‘The high life’ advertising an aeroplane service which is also a pun. Another is on the other page in black font advertising events.

There are a variety of different fonts used across the page on at the top of the left page is like an old game style because it is made of pixel boxes. It is in black and underneath it is multi-coloured and then in boxes underneath that there are two pieces of text. The have white bold normal font and one of them has a picture of cherry’s on it which is an iconic sign. There are a variety of different upcoming guests written in a black font down the side of all of the pictures on the left page. On the right page there is the same font used all over the page in different sizes and colours so it looks more organized. The colour template that is being used is bright multi-coloured across the two pages so it connotates a fun holiday abroad because of the plane and partying because of the advert with special guests.

The mode of the double page spread is to tell people about an aeroplane travel service that is obviously shown as bad but a teen finds it interesting also to tell people about the entertainment. The language effects used in the article are a pun for ‘the high life’ so add some humour into the text. Also some alliteration has been used that is ‘leather loafers’ so it makes the text more interesting to read. Another effect used is an ellipsis which is ‘wave frequently and pretend you’re interested in them…’ to make the reader think about what’s been said. There has also been a cliché used that is ‘spent more time airborne than playing tunes’ which is not actually true. The headings on each article relate to the story that is below it so it is easy to find each article. The content of the text has the content to interest young holiday makes and advertise companies.

The way that the images are constructed on the left page has not got a specific design, the text is written across the image so it is not very orderly. On the right hand page it is constructed differently the image dominates the text because the text is arranged around the image. There is also a picture of the author on the right page and his picture is with the organisation of the rest of the article. His picture is in its own column with a small piece of text. The facial expression of the man on the left page is relaxed and normal because that’s how you’re supposed to feel when you’re on holiday. Also the man on the right hand page is smiling a lot because he is enjoying the service on the aircraft. To represent the target audience the author shows that it’s for audiences for people who can get served by advertising club nights on the left hand page. Also the idea of going abroad alone is a mature idea.

This double page in the magazine fits in with the overall piece by showing a different type of music which is what the magazine is supposed to advertise.

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