Wednesday 31 October 2012

NME Double page spread analysis 2

NME Double page textual analysis.

On this double page spread of NME there is a man that is standing across the two pages. He has columns neatly organised around him for the text. There are all neatly aligned so there is a grid to the pattern. This has the effect that the article is more formal as it may be about a famous important person. There is more text to image on these two pages because the picture of the man is very big and there are also other pictures on the page.  Your eye is drawn to the fact the large man has jet black hair and what he is wearing stands out because it’s a blazer and purple shirt. Also because the background is white and the heading is black it makes the males hair stand out even more. There are a few sub-headings across the page, on is black in very large letters and a normal font. The other is in a large blue box to stand out more on the white and with white text so it looks like it’s been cut out of the box. This font is being used because it looks neat and tidy and has connotations with the look of the male.

The mode of this text is to inform the audience on a certain artist so it interests a certain target market. One language effect used is alliteration which is ‘Marr’s magisterial’ which has given a person a lot of description in the article. This articles has a headline that is a pun, it says ‘Johnny Marr ready for his close-ups’ talking about his close up story’s and the picture that are taken. It also has 3 facts to inform the reader more about this artist. The content of the story is a basic evaluation of an old good artist’s career. The sub-headings that are used both focus on the text or the picture they go with well providing a good story so they are well written.

The images are constructed well they fit together across the page well. Some of the images are mounted on a blue box on the right hand corner of the double page they also fit in well with the colour scheme. The large man is framed so that the amount of him on each page is not equal and it is not exact. The camera angle is to one side and it’s a medium close up so that the man looks like he is speaking directly to you on the page from the angle. The dominant image would be the large male due to the text column’s fitting around him on the 2 pages. This artist represents the target audience by showing that people of a younger age would probably not be interested in this particular artist.

The target audience for this article is 16+ because the price of this magazine is £2.40 which is cheap but the content is complex. There is also a lot of writing in the article which would not interest younger people as they like more pictures.

Overall all of the devices used work together well to produce an article that tells the story of an old famous artist in a formal but interesting layout.

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