Monday 22 October 2012

Kerrang contents page textual analysis 1

Textual analysis of Kerrang contents page.

This contents page is detailed and has a lot of text which makes the look of it quite complex. There is a clear cover line at the top that is in a red strip across the page, it has the date and issue number in smaller white text next to the title ‘Kerrang contents’ and the text is in a scruffy faded font. Part of the word ‘Kerrang’ is covered up by the picture so that it gives a 3D effect and makes it become part of the picture. The background colour of the page is white because there is a mixture of different colours used so the background needs to be basic so that it doesn’t look to crowded.

There are similar headings for each sub-category beside the picture although they are black strips with yellow text inside. Underneath each heading is the page numbers in red and each next to it in black text are each cover line. Some of the cover lines have smaller text underneath them to provide a bit more description. One of the sub-category’s is mounted on a blue box with yellow and white text to outline the fact that this is ‘the heroes issue’.

At the bottom there is a small section bellow the picture that is from the editor of the magazine. He starts his first column with ‘HELLO READERS’ in bold larger writing to the rest so that it stands out and is clear that it is directed at everyone. Beside this is a picture of him so that people can recognise who he is and get an idea of how he inspires himself. He has signed the article and is made clear that he is the editor underneath this.

In the lower right corner there is an advertisement for vo5 hair products which is a symbolic sign because you have to learn what it is to be able to recognise it. The advert is a competition so it draws the reader’s attention more than a usual advert would.

The picture and article on the page it of a man with long hair, a crown and a shirt with prince harry on it that has been edited so that he has a bleeding nose and ‘party hard’ across it which is not in prince Harry’s nature. This has been done so people immediately look at it in surprise and to ensure that people see the competition below. Slightly to the side is a ridged yellow circle with ‘WIN’ in big bold letters across it to outline the fact there is a prize. The man wearing the shirts facial expression is unusual and goes along perfectly with his clothes, it makes him look mad to portray the feeling given by the music genre. A pun has been used as a heading to the competition that says ‘a bloody good t-shirt’ because it has 2 meanings. The details for how to enter are also clearly displayed in white text on the black background of the article.

Overall, this magazine has a vast amount of information on it but it still has a neat different look to it to suit the type of music genre.


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