Thursday 25 October 2012

Acoustic Contents textual analysis 2

Acoustic Contents textual analysis.
This example of a contents page does not have a very bold headline. It only has contents in a red basic font and Acoustic issue 33 in the same font but black.
There is a large picture of a band from the music genre; there is a grey strip across the bottom that is slightly transparent and has the page number written along with the band name ‘the Proclaimers ’  and a small description in a white normal font. The description is smaller as it goes into more detail in the article. There is also a rosette in the corner that celebrates there Glastonbury appearance which is an symbolic sign. It is red and white so it stands out and goes along with the colour scheme.
There is a selection of different artists along with their page numbers so you can easily identify where there articles are. Some of the articles are directly on the white background of the page and some are mounted on boxes so that it looks 3D in parts, This also makes it more colourful and show the different destinations the artists are at.
There are separate sub-categories separating the articles about the artists up and the different stuff inside. The text for these sub-categories is in small grey strips with white text to match the main picture and sub-heading.  
There are pictures to show that inside you can learn more on how to play the guitar because there are step by step guides available. This picture is under the sub-category of ‘guitar techniques’ and bold underneath it is ‘want to improve’ in red lettering. Underneath the picture in even bolder red text is ‘learn two hand tapping’ which shows the magazine holds a variety of different techniques. This sub-category also has a quote from ‘Gordon Giltrap’ whose name is in grey.
Along the other category’s there are just red numbers with black article names or what thee page is about and some have a description in smaller text as well. On some of the sub-category’s there are pictures of various musical instruments.
Along the right hand side there are several acoustic guitars which are all different shades to create an interesting look. They are all different sizes so the line of them is not straight. There are iconic signs. At the bottom of the page below them is another grey strip with white text mounted on it. This creates a more interesting way of making sub-category.
There is a sub-category for ‘special features’ that has all the festivals like Glastonbury advertised and the page number. It also has any competitions or games in the magazine listed.

Overall, This magazine has a clear easy to read layout and would be suitable for younger teens as well as adults becuase the content is also appropriate.

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